Monday, February 21, 2011


Genre: Adventure/Action
A Freight train gets pulled out from a engineer and then shoots upto 60 mph and now that convinces you how Unstoppable gets its title from. Directed by Tony Scott , Unstoppable is a movie with incessant surprises and edge of the seat suspense. A beautifully crafted direction makes this movie a WORTH WATCH. Barnes played by Denzel Washington is a long time engineer in the company is made to work with a new guy names Colson played by Chris Pine. Since the train goes out of the engineer’s hands the train gains momentum and every way to stop the train turns futile. There is Chopper running above it, LIVE TV feeds are being covered across the City. The Executive of the train company is worried about losing the train and also the amount of destruction it can cause to the whole Scranton town because the train is carrying huge amount of inflammable substances.Washington and Pine have two contrasting characters which make them a proper fix into these roles. Ready to take risk at the cost of saving the train and city and also putting their personal life of jeopardy. I do not want to break the suspense, but I will let you guys figure out as what this movie offers. Movie with simple plot yet so neatly done that this movie will leave its trails over few days and probably will also remind you of the movie SPEED starring Keanu reeves and Sandra Bullock. After a long time, we could see a movie of that kind which offers you a heavy entertainment in terms of special effects, nail biting scenes, thriller and yet a classy perfect direction. A MUST WATCH

Rating: 3/5- GOOD

1 comment:

  1. I found it strictly OK Can give it a miss
    Nothing extra ordinary
