Monday, February 21, 2011

The King's Speech(2010)

Genre: Drama

As the Title of the film mentions about speech, it gives a sense of a person’s voice giving a speech to his followers especially when it’s a king. It tells the story of a man who is compelled to speak with stammer. It might be hard enough to take that kind of pain while talking to another person. To give a speech on a radio microphone which would be heard by entire country along with other European countries, ASIA and AMERICAN continents and not to forget Germany who were on the verge of war. The King George VI played by Colin Firth is a person who had no interest in becoming a king, but after his father death, the crown went to him as his elder brother Edward, who then renounced the throne so that he could live with the love of his life. So finally it went to Prince Albert who had issues with stammering since his childhood days. With a failed attempt to give a speech in 1925, Bertie’s wife decided to take him to speech therapy classes in order to fix the stammering problem. With all ways failed, bertie’s wife comes across Lionel played by Geoffrey Rush who has setup a Speech Therapy class.

Albert also called Bertie as nickname is tackled finely by Lionel who sets expectations in his therapy session. Long that he didn’t know that he was giving therapy classes to a future king. Lionel has his own way to handle things when things didn’t go right. He didn’t give up the hopes and always felt Bertie would speak clearly in some point of time. Firth has given a impeccable performance as a guy who is struggling to speak vividly and not being humiliated in front of his empire and other countrymen. Movie has a proper pace , storyline and to the point. At Last, Firth being the protagonist has given a 2 thumbs up performance as King George VI. Watch the movie for Colin Firth’s great acting skills. On the whole the movie is a onetime watch and I don’t feel this is 2010 best movie.

Rating: 3/5- GOOD

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