Tapped is one of the rarest MUST WATCH documentary. I would recommend everyone to watch. Tapped puts light on the Bottle Water Industry. 3 Corporate Companies such as Nestle, Pepsi and Coca Cola have played a major role in pumping out Ground Water from the local towns for free of cost and then process it and sell it for high margin amount of Money. 75% of Land in Earth is Covered with Water but we could just use 1% of it. There are some major Facts which I feel everyone should get to know about it. The Ill Effects of Drinking Bottled Water and its major effects on the environment mainly Climate, Water Pollution and Future Effects which can jeopardize the whole Human Living World , Aquatic world too. How Water Bottles are made in Factories and how drinking from that bottles can effect the Human Body and many such facts should be known. Its just 1hr 15 mins of FACTS based Story on Bottled Water industry and why everyone should stick to normal Tap or Filter Water. MUST MUST WATCH. It WILL NOT BORE you even for a moment.
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