Genre: Drama
Up in the Air Movie is mainly based on Ryan Bingham who is the protagonist of the movie is a Corporate Downsizing Expert. He fires people.He is used to people's sorrow and despair but one thing what he loves is the Travelling that comes with his job. He goes around the world to personally fire people.He had a wish of covering ten million miles by flight. Soon , Ryan gets in a fix when his boss hires a new lady named Natalie who feels they can fire people through computer sitting at their office , by which the associates need not travel.
Ryan believes the fact that there is a lot of hardships that people take on when they get fired and its an inappropriate way of performing the job. Ryan Accompanies with Natalie inorder to show as how things work. Ryan is not a homely person when it comes to Siblings matter. Ryan gets so much into the job that he gets a sense of belonging to Alex who is also a Corporate Sophisticated Enterpreneur.UP IN THE AIR is a Movie which deep down tells us there is more to life than looking at your Straight Line Path. Its SLOW and touching Movie. Watch it for Clooney!!!!
Rating: 3/5-GOOD
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