Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Midnight Meat Train (2008)

Genre: Horror/ Torture

The Movie Kicks off wid a superb scene wid Blood all over the train, person killing the Passengers wid a Hammer.Bradley Cooper as Leon whoz a Photographer and he is trying to take some real life photos to sell his photos to a veteran Woman who deals with displaying photos.As one Nite He saves a Woman from some Hooligans and he does take photos of her n also sees her getting into a train.Soon, he comes to know that the fem whom he saved was missing.Then he waits at nite time outside the Rly Station to click some photos.He does click photos of a person who is a Butcher by profession and who is indeed the person who kills all ppl in the Train.Next day when Leon Develops the images.As later leon discovers that the the person comin out of the Rly Station daily nite is a Pro Butcher.To his Nightmare he comes to know that he himself kills all the passengers in the Train.He then Finally kills the butcher.But to his Shock its nt just the butcher present in the whole Fiasco.The Train Conductor tells him to take the butcher's place n there were Live Creatures present below the normal human living world n we have to satisfy them.He cuts off Leon Tongues n tells him to do the same job of the butcher..Next Nite he catches the same train n follows the Lead of Slaughtering People.A Movie which should be seen at nite. As always i wud Recommend to everyone that HORROR and Torture movies looks n feels good when watched at midnight.A MOVIE which wont let u down. people loving torture wil like it...



  1. Yeah but I found the movie boring...Nothing much new...My rating is 1.5/5...:)

  2. Well i m a Horror n Torture Fanatic. So its bound that many ppl wont be goin on wid my Perception..
